Sunday, February 27, 2005

Yes, finally I got a chance to start my blog! I’ve been planning to make my own for so long now, just can’t find time to sit and write. Well, I always had the time, or shall I say the “chance” to write; I’m just too lazy to flex my fingers and strike the keyboard. I’m not really used to writing down my thoughts—regularly—like keeping a diary or a journal, but I do have a simple notebook where I write down random thoughts, insights, poems, songs and anything that runs through my mind. I tried to keep a diary but eventually I lost the zeal to write down things that happen to me everyday. Okay, I admit, I’m too lazy to write! As Salvador P. Lopez said, “sloth is the only excuse a person…can validly give for being unable to write a fairly decent brand of speech.”

Anyways, here I am now…starting to write again…sharing my thoughts… revealing a part of my self…slowly coming out of my then ‘cloistered’ world. I’m not really so good with words—not that so good to call myself a “writer” much less, a superb conversationalist. I don’t talk that much but I can be surprisingly loquacious at times, especially with closest friends who can dance to my music. Yeah, I’m silent most of the time but my mind definitely isn’t. I’m much of a thinker (I’m not saying am a bit like Plato or Confucius, ’hope that term is acceptable though). I just have a penchant for ruminating on things…reading in between the lines…looking beyond the obvious…finding meaning beyond the literal. A friend of mine said I’m a puzzle. Maybe. Am fond of deciphering what’s hidden, searching for things lost, finding the truth. Call it love for poetry, which is for me, a noble art of re-forming truth.

Who is tinny? I can’t give you a virtually exact answer yet. Like most of young people my age, am still in the process of discovering things within my outside and my inner world. They say the longest journey is that towards your inner self. I think so too and I guess that journey takes a lifetime. However, even when we have already reached that ultimate end, I don’t think we can ever have a full knowledge of who we really are. We’re just human beings after all, we can’t know everything. Anyway, all I can say about myself is that I’m whole complex creature, a hybrid of all complexities and ironies. A paradox, that is. I can be apathetic and tough sometimes yet I can be so sensitive and weak. I can be energetic, passionate and hopeful yet dull, desperate and unmotivated sometimes. I can be kind and cruel too. I’m patient and persistent most of the time but I can get so impulsive and quick-tempered as well. Weird eh? Hahaha! Yeah, ‘am some kinda weird and unpredictable!

That’s it for now. I’ll write more soon. Thanks for dropping by and “listening” to my late cold night musings…hehehe. :)
